E-Bike Tour - Tret Lake
8 dates
from Thursday, 11 July 2024
to Thursday, 5 September 2024
This event already took place.
+39 0463 830133,
Attention! Reservation needed.
More information about:
Cavareno Hotels CavarenoDescription
There are two aspects I like about this tour: the fact that it runs entirely along ancient cart tracks where no cars circulate and that at the end of the climb you can cool off at Lake Tret. It is a classic loop tour that never gets tired: on the outward journey you skirt the large Novella canyon and pass through the small hamlet of Tret before the climb up to the lake. On the way back you pass by the Fondo alpine hut and end the tour at the Smeraldo lake, another perfect place for a break. Throughout the day you will have your mtb guide at your side: he will accompany you safely and tell you about the places you will see with the heart of someone who lives them all year round.
Cost: € 65.00 (incl. hire) | junior (height 130 to 155 cm) € 55.00
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