Saturday 9 December 17:00

The magical Christmas parade


Beginning: 17:00

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Moena, Piaz de Sotegrava - Piaz de Ramon
APT Val di Fassa,
Tel.: +39 0471 777999, -
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Moena and its entire community will celebrate the start of the ski season with a parade in grand style (from 5.00 p.m.), with a Christmas flavour, to welcome guests who have chosen the christmas market "Fata delle Dolomiti" and the Val di Fassa to spend the festive days on the snow.

The protagonist of the parade will be Santa Claus, accompanied by his elves and the many friends of Moena, including the ski instructors, the Scufons and the young athletes of the Monti Pallidi Sports Union. This will be followed by travelling shows in the two squares and along L Vial, in the enchanted atmosphere of the markets, with magic pianos, evocative songs from mountain choirs and music performed by the Bandino di Moena (a reduced formation of the municipal band).

Not only that, you will also have the honour of accompanying Santa and his elves in a carriage, passing through the characteristic district of "Turchia" (paid service, €3 adults, €2 children, from 3.00 p.m. departing from Piaz de Ramon).

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