Forra della Sorna Tommaso Prugnola (copertina)
Forra della Sorna Tommaso Prugnola (copertina)

Canyon Sorna

A fascinating hike in the Monte Baldo Nature Park leads to the Canyon Sorna, characterised by old mines, bridges and unspoilt nature

The starting point for the hike to the Canyon Sorna is Cornè, near Brentonico and 3 km from Riva del Garda. The trail winds through the forest and along the Sorna River, which has formed the eponymous canyon. It leads past waterfalls, over suspension bridges and stairs.

The canyon combines an intact and lush natural landscape and places of historical significance in a world where time seems to stand still. Here you can discover old mines where coal was mined during the Second World War. They are embedded in a gorge with numerous caves and natural pools, where you can also swim if the temperatures allow it.

The path also crosses the "Pont del Diaol", the Devil's Bridge, which is the subject of fanciful legends and from which you can admire a 30-metre-deep gorge.

It is recommended to walk the Sorna Canyon in the company of an experienced guide who knows the exact course of the path. The walking time of this moderately difficult hike is about 6 hours, depending on the duration of the stops, and the difference in altitude is about 350 m.

Contact info


The Rovereto and Vallagarina tourism board offers guided tours in The Sorna Canyon. The experience is for people from the age of 14, with a participation of at least 6 people up to a maximum of 15 (Phone: +39 0464 395149 / E-mail:

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