

Situated on the banks of the Adanà river, the village of Roncone is the seat of the Sella Giudicarie municipality

The village of Roncone with its 1,400 inhabitants is the most populous of the four districts today and is also headquarter of the newly founded municipality of Sella Giudicarie.

Roncone is located at 840 m a.s.l., at the gentle slopes of the Valle del Chiese valley. The village is dominated by the steeple of the Baroque parish church dedicated to St. Stephan. The church with its precious wooden altars also houses a wonderful altarpiece from the 18th century.

The economic pillars always have been craftsmanship and agriculture, worth mentioning is the first milk line of the Trentino, called “lattedotto”, which connected the village and the Malga Avalina mountain hut (6 km length). Also tourism has developed well in Roncone, not least because of the beautiful bathing lake. It is situated north-east of the village and is accessible both along the cycle path and a magic little panoramic road. Lake Roncone, also awarded the Blue Flag in 2024, is a popular destination for walks and picnics, as well as a place of naturalistic interest: its northern shore is in fact protected by a biotope.

Numerous possibilities for walking and hiking tours can be found in Roncone and surroundings, up until the alpine pastures of the Val di Bondone valley.

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