nuoto windsurf vela
nuoto windsurf vela

Swimming, windsurfing and sailing

A special wind called “Ora del Garda” promises a great experience to sailors and windsurfers alike

The Trentino is not only the region of mountains and valleys - it is also a region rich of lakes and ponds. The biggest ones are Lake Garda, whose most northern part belongs to the Trentino, Lake Ledro, Lake of Caldonazzo, Lake Molveno and Andalo and the artificial lake of Santa Giustina. True natural treasures are many of the smaller lakes and ponds such as Lake Tovel or the lakes of the Altopiano di Piné.

The best winds for windsurfing and sailing can be found at Lake Garda, Lago di Ledro and Lago di Caldonazzo. On the shores of Lake Garda, e.g. in Riva del Garda and Torbole, you can find sailing and surf schools of worldwide renown, which will assist and help you in learning surfing or sailing.

  • Surf Center Lido Blu
    Via del Sarca Vecchio, 39
    38069 Torbole sul Garda (TN)
    Phone: +39 0464 506349

  • Surfsegnana Porfina Beach
    Foci del Sarca
    38069 Torbole sul Garda (TN)
    Phone: +39 0464 505 963

  • Circolo Surf Torbole
    Via della Lòva, 1
    38069 Torbole sul Garda (TN)
    Tel. +39 0464 505385
    E-mail: /

  • Circolo Vela Torbole
    Via Lungolago Conca d'Oro, 12
    38069 Torbole sul Garda (TN)
    Phone: +39 0464 506 240

  • Centro Nautico Universitario Augsburgerhof
    Loc. Valcanover – Via alla Spiagéta, 7
    38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN)
    Tel. +39 0461 281843

  • Associazione Velica Trentina
    Loc. Punta Indiani - Valcanover
    38057 Pergine Valsugana (TN)
    Tel. +39 0461 548020

  • Associazione Vela Lago di Ledro
    Via Alzer
    38067 Pieve – Comune di Ledro (TN)
    Tel. +39 389 6261480

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