Ledro Concei chiesa
Ledro Concei chiesa


Concei, a district of Ledro with about 820 inhabitants, is made up of the villages of Locca, Enguiso and Lenzumo

Concei or Val Concei (Concei Valley) is considered the green lung of the Valle di Ledro valley: the holiday resort is surrounded by meadows and forests and framed by numerous peaks higher than 2,000 metres. Among them is the 2,254 m high Monte Cadria. The small settlements of Locca, Enguiso and Lenzumo are located at the entrance to the valley and are ideal starting points for nature excursions, hiking and MTB tours.

The valley path through the Val Concei passes through the three settlements and ends at the Rif. al Faggio hut in the village of Faggio. There you will find the oldest tree in the Val di Ledro: a centuries-old 30 m high beech. The trail is family-friendly and perfectly suitable for pleasure hikes.

The churches of the three small villages are also worth seeing: the Church of St. Martin in Locca, the Church of the Presentation of Mary in Enguiso and the Church of St. Sylvester in Lenzumo. All three places of worship are decorated with frescoes by Antonio Sebastiano Fasal.

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Suggested accommodation: Concei

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