pieve di bono Valle del Chiese
pieve di bono Valle del Chiese

Pieve di Bono

Pieve di Bono is located in the Valle del Chiese valley at 514 m a.s.l

Pieve di Bono consists of the parts Cologna, Creto, Strada, Por and Agrone and looks back on a centuries-long religous tradition. It was one of the seven parishes of the Valli Giudicarie, known as the “Sette Pievi delle Giudicarie”. Highlights of the village are the ancient agricultural building, the Romano Castle, the Santa Justina Church and the chapel of the parish church with its important frescoes done by the Italian painter Giovanni Badile (1379 – 1451).

Pieve di Bono is also an ideal starting point for interesting hikes and wonderful walks, like along the botanic education trail which proceeds below the walls of Romano Castle and offers an unforgettable view on the entire Valle del Chiese valley. Also recommendable is the Peace Trail which leads past important places of World War I. Further excursions take you to the Val Daone and Val di Fumo valleys.

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