pista cicilabile giudicarie inferiori
pista cicilabile giudicarie inferiori

Giudicarie Inferiori cycle track: Lake Idro - Pieve di Bono

Starting from Lake Idro, the cycle track proceeds along the valley of Chiese to Condino and Pieve di Bono

The 20 km long track stretches from the shores of Lake Idro at Bondone across the fertile terrain of the Valle del Chiese up to Condino and Pieve di Bono. The trail, comprising also short non-asphalted tracks and stages with mixed traffic, mainly follows the course of the Chiese river. The village of Storo, a few km in the north of Lake Idro at the entrance of the Ampola valley, is bypassed by the cycle track, but a side trip to the village is nevertheless worthwhile.

difficulty: easy
  • Starting point:
    Lago d’Idro (Lake Idro)
  • Time required:
    01:30 h
  • Track length:
    19,3 km
  • Altitude:
    from 364 m to 492 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +196 m | -70 m
  • Signposts:
    Pista ciclabile Giudicarie inferiori (N° 7)
  • Destination:
    Pieve di Bono
  • Track surface:
    asphalted, in part also gravel path
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Giudicarie Inferiori cycle track: Lake Idro - Pieve di Bono

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