castel romano Pieve di Bono
castel romano Pieve di Bono

Castel Romano

Castel Romano was built in the 12th century and watches over the village of Pieve di Bono and the Valle del Chiese valley

It is an imposing rectangular castle tower, formerly owned by the Lords of Appiano, later by the Lords of Arco. Finally, the Counts Lodron took over Castel Romano in the 14th century. They extended the castle and added renaissance residential buildings.

Castel Romano was plundered several times and levelled to the ground during the first World War. Work on restoration and consolidation has only begun in recent years: the entrance was fixed, some rooms were restored and valuable treasures were recovered. The gardens have also been restored, now cultural events take place regularly.

Contact info

More information

Access to the Castle by guided tour only

Guided tours on reservation:
Associazione Il Chiese
Phone: +39 0465 297000

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