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Llama Trekking

At the Maso delle Erbe farm in Tesoro, nice walking tours with llamas and alpacas are offered during summer

The Maso delle Erbe farm is located in Tesero in the Val di Fiemme valley, more precisely in the village of Bossedel. It is well-known for its manufacture of herbal creams and products made from honey and selected plant extracts but also for the guided tours with llamas and alpacas. Pablo, Cisco, Luglio, Loco, Papaya and Mango the likeable four-legged friends are called, which take you for a walk through the beautiful nature of the Val di Fiemme valley. This real special experience for sure remains unforgettable!

Normally the guided tours are organised daily from June to September, the walks include also a nice rest, where you can taste the honey products of the farm while the kids can discover the little bee house. The guided llama walks have to be reserved.

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The guided llama walks have to be reserved (+39 334 3840144)

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