Beeki owl
Beeki owl

Wildlife Recovery Centre Trento

The Bird Care Centre Trento houses wild birds, which are not able to live on their own in the wild anymore

A few kilometers from the historic center of Trento, at the entrance of the "Bosco della città" park on the Dosso di San Rocco, is the CRAS, the Wildlife Recovery Centre (Centro Recupero Animali Selvatici).

Managed since January 1st, 2023 by the Wildlife Service of the Province of Trento, the CRAS - formerly Bird Care Centre - no longer only welcomes birds but also mammals in need of care and seemingly abandoned young. With the same goal: to take care of them and return them to nature.

Spread over an area of 4,500 m², the Center is large and well-equipped, but it is not open to the public to preserve the wild nature of its guests; the opening to the public is limited to the possible delivery of animals in difficulty, after prior telephone contact. The CRAS is in fact the address to contact if you come across a wild animal that is clearly injured or in difficulty (animals involved in road accidents should instead be reported to 112).

However, it is important to know how to recognize when a young animal really needs help, to avoid separating it from its mother and putting its survival at risk. When in doubt, it is always better to move away and allow the mother to return to take care of her young!

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