

The municipality of Vallarsa is known especially for Monte Pasubio, a colourful mountain featuring numerous sites remembering the past

Vallarsa, a village of 1,381 inhabitants, is situated at an altitude of 724 m a.s.l. and includes a large number of localities. This place is especially known for Monte Pasubio, where several crucial happenings took place during World War. Nowadays, however, Vallarsa is a place of pilgrimage for peace, which for example the path of peace called "Piccole Dolomiti di Vallarsa" shows. This path takes you to the pastures of Monte Pasubio and crosses the European long-distance hiking trail E5 (Constance-Verona).

Pilgrimages, hiking trails and mountain bike tracks bring you to high altitudes, where mountain huts and viewpoints show you the beauty of this area. Here you can enjoy peace and serenity in close contact with nature. What about a trip to the lovely "Lake Lago dei Poiani", ideal for observing aquatic birds? Sports and activities are also found at the sports centre of Piazza or along the keep-fit trail.

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