Weekly weather forecast
morning | afternoon | evening |
Overcast with sleet
Wind (km/h): 6 ENE
Humidity: 98%
Snow limit: N/A
morning | afternoon | evening |
Wind (km/h): 13 E
Humidity: 75%
Snow limit: N/A
The municipality of Amblar-Don is located at…
Located on a high plateau, Cavareno is…
Dambel, inhabited by 414 citizens, is located…
At the heart of an extensive plateau in…
Ronzone, a sunny village in the upper Val di…
The villages of the municipality of Novella…
Sanzeno was already inhabited in the 6th…
Near Ruffré, located in the eastern part…
The municipality of Borgo…
The Corno di Tres mountain rises above the…
The village of Cles is the main place of the Val…
Livo is situated in the heart of the Mezzalone…
Cis is located on a narrow high plateau between…
The municipality of Predaia unifies the…
In a predominantly mountainous landscape at the…
Lake Tovel in the Brenta Dolomites is…
Bresimo is located between the Val di Non and…
The municipality of Contà in the Val di Non…
Denno, one of the main villages in the lower Val…
The village of Ton is situated at low altitude and…
Close to the centre of the village, there…
Sporminore is situated at the entrance of…