vermiglio e laghetti di san leonardo
vermiglio e laghetti di san leonardo


The last village along the road from Trento to Passo del Tonale is Vermiglio, situated at 1.260 m a.s.l. It is formed by the three small villages of Cortina, Fraviano and Pizzano, which are now united in one locality

Between Vermiglio and Passo del Tonale there is the recently restored Forte Strino fortress located. This fortress is an important witness of World War I. Also a museum located at Vermiglio is dedicated to the years of war in this mountain area.

The Tonale skiing area is open both in winter and in summer, giving you the opportunity to ski from fall to spring on the Presena glacier. Modern cable cars serve the skiing area, which - if necessary - also offers modern snow-making equipment. At Stavel and Velon there are cross-country ski tracks, both for professionals and for beginners. Vermiglio is also a starting point for hikes on the Presanella and the Adamello Group.

In summer, Vermiglio is an ideal starting point for hikes into the Presanella Group and to numerous mountain huts.

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