Lago Corvo
Lago Corvo

Hike to the Corvo Lakes

For hundreds of years the ancient path across the Passo di Rabbi pass has been connecting the two valleys Val di Rabbi in the Trentino and Val d’Ultimo in South Tyrol, there also the Laghi Corvo Lake District is located

The impressive mountain world, several clear mountain lakes, the blooming alpine meadows, whistling marmots and unforgettable views make this hike a true experience. The beautiful Laghi Corvo lakes are located near the Passo di Rabbi, a mountain pass which connects the Val di Rabbi in the Trentino with the Val d’Ultimo in South Tyrol. The lake district was formed by glaciers.

Starting point of our hike is the Cavallar parking space above the village of San Bernardo in the Val di Rabbi valley. The path no. 108 proceeds steeply uphill straight to the Rif. Stella Alpina al Lago Corvo mountain hut. An alternative route is to follow the forest path up to 2,000 m asl., to the Malga Caldesa Alta mountain hut and take then path no. 135 towards the Rif. Stella Alpina. This version is less steep but longer (approx. 3 km more).

The panoramic view from the Rif. Stella Alpina stretches across the entire Val di Rabbi until the Brenta Dolomites and the peaks of the Val di Peio. From here it takes us about 10 minutes to reach the Big Lake Corvo and the other smaller lakes, strung like pearls. The whole area is part of the Stelvio National Park.

Author: Giacomo Roccabruna

difficulty: difficult route with lake alpine hut route
  • Starting point:
    Cavallar parking space, accessible from San Bernardo di Rabbi
  • Time required:
    04:30 h
  • Track length:
    10,3 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.482 m to 2.471 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +989 m | -989 m
  • Route:
    **Shuttle bus:** Every day except Thursday from July 06 to August 25, 2024 there is a shuttle service (hiking taxi) from Rabbi to the Samocleva and Caldesa Bassa mountain huts - a way to shorten the route described here by about a third, starting at 1,835 m instead of 1,490 m a.s.l. Timetable info, costs and reservations (obligatory) by phone: +39 0463 909774
  • Signposts:
    no. 108 to the Stella Alpina mountain hut - Lake Corvo - no. 145 to the lakes
  • Destination:
    Corvo Lakes
  • Resting points:
    Rif. Stella Alpina al Lago Corvo mountain hut
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Hike to the Corvo Lakes

If you want to do this tour, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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