calavino lago di toblino e castel toblino
calavino lago di toblino e castel toblino

Castel Toblino

Numerous legends and myths grow around this romantic castle on the shores of Lake Toblino

Built as an ancient temple on the sunny shores of Lake Toblino, Castel Toblino is nowadays one of the most renowned lake fortresses all over Trentino.

Numerous legends and forbidden love affairs have made this pretty castle so famous. It was by the way Cardinal Bernardo Clesio in the 16th century and later on the nobles of Madruzzo, who made the castle look the way it does today. All that remains of the medieval castle layout are the wall to the west and a turret to the north-west. The cylindrical tower, the symbol of the castle, has a height of 20 metres and is therefore the main tower of the complex.

Inside the castle there are beautiful frescos. Particularly remarkable is the music hall, where you can admire paintings of medieval musical instruments. Also interesting are the Wolkenstein Cellars and the rooms where the wine is pressed. Here the Nosiola grapes dry and ripen and are then processed into the famous Vino Santo Trentino.

After many years of restoration work, Castel Toblino is now open to visitors. The castle also houses a bar and restaurant and it is also possible to stay overnight.

Contact info


To visit the castle, a reservation and the issue of a membership card (Euro 10.00 annual fee) is necessary

More information

Guided tour (approx. 1 hour):
- Min. 10 persons
- Reservation required

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