ledro prati di malga vil
ledro prati di malga vil

Hike from Prè di Ledro to the Guil Mountain Pass

This hike takes us from the Val di Ledro valley to Leano and the alpine meadows on the Passo Guil with a fantastic view on Lake Garda

Along the state road SS 240, the road between Riva del Garda and Molina di Ledro, the little village of Prè in the Val di Ledro valley is located. Here our hike starts. Across an ancient bridge we cross the Ponale brook. Exactly at this place, the Sentér de Malga Vil (path to the Vil Alpine Pasture) branches off. It is a cobblestone path which ascends steeply. About 2 kilometres and 400 metres in altitude later, we leave the cobblestone and the forest road proceeds to the hamlet of Leano, in the heart of the valley between Cima della Nana and Monte Carone.

Past the little Sant’Antonio Church, the path proceeds further uphill, the valley becomes a narrow gorge before the meadows of the Malga Vil open up in front of us. Here we are just beneath the Monte Guil, near our destination. The 1,210 m high Passo Guil is the border to the Parco Alto Garda Bresciano Nature Park and located above the village of Limone del Garda. If you walk further on the high path “Sentiero Monsignor Giovanni Antonioli”, you reach a lookout where you can enjoy a stunning view on Lake Garda. After enjoying our brought along lunch we return to Prè di Ledro along the same route.

Author: AT

difficulty: moderate
  • Starting point:
    Val di Ledro valley, Prè di Ledro
  • Time required:
    03:30 h
  • Track length:
    12,2 km
  • Altitude:
    from 474 m to 1.207 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +735 m | -735 m
  • Signposts:
    421, Leano, Passo Vil / Passo Guil
  • Destination:
    Passo Guil (Vil) Mountain Pass
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Hike from Prè di Ledro to the Guil Mountain Pass

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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Suggested accommodations

  1. Garni Le Prealpi
    Garni Le Prealpi

    Garni Le Prealpi

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