discesa al lago di pian palu
discesa al lago di pian palu

Hike from Peio to Lake Pian Palù

The extensive mountain and valley hike in the Stelvio National Park leads us to the reservoir of Pian Palù

At Peio Fonti we take the cable car which brings us up to the Lo Scoiattolo Mountain Hut. We enjoy a great summer day, only the highest mountain tops are still shrouded in clouds of fog. We follow the marker no. 127, which leads us to Lake Covel, a natural pond close by the Covel Mountain Hut. Passing the picnic area, we continue on the section of the long-distance hiking trail "Sentiero Italia" until we reach the junction to path no. 125. This path takes us to the Giumela Mountain Hut, we pass the waterfall Cascata Cadini and walk through the Valle degli Orsi (no. 124). The Lago di Pian Palu reservoir, to which we descend in a moment, is already sparkling in front of us.

We cross the dam wall and follow the marker “Fontanino”. Soon we reach the hut with the small chapel at the mineral sources. At “Fontanino di Celentino” we take a sip of mineral water directly from the source. A quite strange taste but the information board says, that the water may relieve some diseases. Path no. 110, which mostly follows the brook, takes us back towards Peio Fonti. On the way we pass “Barbaditor” which was an Austrian fortification. The last km we have to walk on the asphalt road down to the village, where our tour through the Stelvio National Park ends.

Important notice:

  • Path No. 127: currently, the path is partly closed
  • Path No. 125: currently, the path is partly closed

Author: AT

alpine pasture hike circular route route with lake with lifts
  • Starting point:
    Peio Fonti, intermediate station of the Pejo 3000 Cable Car
  • Time required:
    05:10 h
  • Track length:
    15,1 km
  • Altitude:
    from 1.386 m to 1.992 m
  • Altitude difference:
    +310 m | -886 m
  • Route:
    Rif. Scoiattolo - Lago di Pian Palù - Peio Fonti
  • Signposts:
    127, 125, 124, 124B, 110
  • Destination:
    Peio Fonti
  • Recommended time of year:
    Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  • Download GPX track:
    Hike from Peio to Lake Pian Palù

If you want to do this hike, we suggest you to check the weather and trail conditions in advance and on site before setting out.

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